Handelsman Lab Graduate Student Jessica Miles received two travel awards that supported her travel to two events during the spring semester: the Keystone Symposia Student Travel Award to attend Mechanisms and Consequences of Invertebrate-Microbe Interactions in Tahoe City, CA, and the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Maximizing Access to Research Careers (FASEB MARC) Travel Award to attend the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF) Annual Meeting in Albuquerque, NM. Congratulations, Jessica!
Former Handelsman Lab Postdoc Fabienne Wichmann is lead author on a paper co-authored by another former Handelsman Lab Postdoc Nikolina Udikovic Kolic, along with Prof. Handelsman and Prof. Andrew of UConn, titled “Diverse antibiotic resistance genes in dairy cow manure”. The paper is here and the press release is here.
The workshop led by Ashley Shade has been canceled, but the CT Symbiosis Conference is still on for Friday, April 25. More information about the conference can be found at symbiosis.commons.yale.edu
A manuscript written by K. Aleklett, M. Hart, and Handelsman Lab Postdoc Ashley Shade was accepted for publication by the NRC Research Press journal Botany. The title is “The microbial ecology of flowers: an emerging frontier in phyllosphere research”, and it’s online here. Congratulations, Ashley!